it just completely alienates a large portion of star wars fans. so, i don't understand the dumbing down of the line. i mean, star wars figures aren't complex like transformers are. From a barely articulated 3.75' figures all the way up to 'look how much money I have' quality, and everything in between.they can't even sell them at $10 lol. Star Wars is a line (maybe the only line) where you can get nearly any figure in nearly any scale, in a way that will satisfy your collecting needs. It's not a collector friendly line, but it was never aiming to be. Adding additional articulation means adding tooling, which in turn adds to the cost, which in turn makes the figures more expensive and means they are no longer sell them for $10 - $12 each, or less in this case (just over $8 per figure). The Titan series is meant to be an inexpensive line of large figures for kids.